Morning Stretch with Pune & Ira

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Includes a Live Web Event on 06/13/2024 at 10:00 AM (EDT)

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Start the day with some simple yoga-inspired stretching and strengthening, along with mindfulness exercises that’ll get you grounded and pumped for the sessions ahead. We’ll begin the class seated, so bring a cushion or yoga block so you can be as comfortable as possible; sitting on a chair is great, too. Cats, cows, down dogs, and any other critters are welcome in our zoom room.


Yoga Cat

Ira, our Siamese yoga co-instructor, is one of the first alums of the ASPCA Kitten Nursery. A born mover, he began deepening his studies during the pandemic in daily online meditation, yoga, and dance classes. He is a regular participant in The Association’s online weekly editorial planning meetings, as well as classes at CUNY Graduate Center; this semester he’s learning the history and culture of hip hop in New York City, and has recently incorporated some b-boy moves into his yoga practice.

Pune Dracker

Digital Communications

The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

Pune Dracker, MA, MFA, RYT-200, teaches hatha yoga and dance, and writes, edits and strategizes digital communications for The Association.

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