Eligibility Requirements

Applicants should determine their own eligibility before applying to the program. For complete program details, please download our Applicant Guide.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements must be met without exception in any circumstances. To be eligible to take the CAWA exam, applicants must satisfy ALL of the following requirements by the date of application submittal. Within 10 years prior to the date of CAWA Program application submittal, you must have:

1. A minimum of 5 years (60 months total) of paid work experience as a full-time manager for a not-for-profit or government organization. At least 3 years (36 months total) of this nonprofit/government work experience must be at an organization that provides sheltering, spay/neuter services, and/or field services for companion animals such as dogs and/or cats. ["Manager" means someone who is paid to supervise other staff OR volunteers.]

2. A minimum of 5 years (60 months total) of paid work experience managing/supervising paid staff and/or volunteers in any field. Work experience satisfying requirements above can be concurrent.    

3. Agree to abide by The Association of Animal Welfare Advancement Code of Ethics.

Educational experience may not be used to substitute for any of the work experience eligibility requirements. There is no requirement of an academic degree or continuing education activity for initial certification eligibility. Eligibility to take the CAWA exam shall be valid for one year from the date of the application approval notice.

Applicants are encouraged to review the eligibility requirements thoroughly and ask us questions before submitting your application if you are unsure whether you are eligible.

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