2023 Compensation & Benefits Study


The 2023 Compensation & Benefits Study
 is an online benchmarking platform which you can visit anytime, either to add data or to run reports related to compensation and benefits across more than 60 job descriptions, representing organizations across the U.S and Canada. Learn more.

Jobs Board

Members may submit job postings to the Career Center for free.

Non-members may submit job postings to the Career Center for $150 per Job Posting.

Job Postings and Descriptions


Here are some resources to help you connect with animal welfare colleagues, other nonprofit leaders, and potential mentors.

image       The Networkour online platform for member connection. 

Regional Representatives for The Association 

Get Involved with The Association (for full members only)

How to Reach Out to Someone Whose Career You Admire

Tip - Reaching Out to Someone Whose Career You Admire

Self-Paced Online Courses from Our Partner MindEdge

Create a Professional Learning Plan

Download this guide to start creating your own learning plan.

Bonus: Use this IDEA TO ACTION Personalized Insight Guide when you attend webinars and workshops.

SeeDS (Shelter Employee Engagement & Development Survey)

The SDS (Shelter Diagnostic System) is now SeeDS (Shelter Employee Engagement & Development Survey). SeeDS is an assessment tool designed to help private and public animal shelters run better by surveying employees and making specific recommendations based on the results. SeeDS analyzes employee attitudes, perceptions, and opinions on key issues related to organizational health and well-being, such as: Peer Support, Euthanasia Practices, Communication Effectiveness, Employee Morale, Supervision, Job Stress, Teamwork, and Training.

SeeDS was developed using data collected from animal shelter staff across the country by a team of professors now at UNC-Charlotte. These researchers have been investigating workplace issues among shelter employees since 2001. SeeDS combines current information from this research and practical experience from the sheltering field with extensive knowledge from the field of industrial-organizational psychology, which focuses on workplace health and effectiveness.

The Association is a sponsor of this important work. Learn more about how your organization can participate in a SeeDS assessment.
