How to Have a Successful Online Board Meeting

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Recorded On: 04/06/2020

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Now that you have moved your board meetings online, what's next? Join Jeanne Allen to learn how you can host effective and engaging board meetings in the "new normal" of online. This webinar will cover tips for facilitating, organizing and structuring an effective, and engaging board meeting. We will touch briefly on the tech side, but most of our time will be on the people side and keeping your Board engaged through this crisis.  We’ll cover what to do :

• before the meeting to set the stage
• during the meeting to engage your members  
• after the meeting 

This webinar recording has been pre-approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit.

Jeanne Allen

Founder, Jeanne Allen Consulting

Jeanne Allen has 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector in a variety of management and staff positions including Instructor in the Duke University Nonprofit Management Certificate Program (NC);  independent consultant with nonprofits, Management Consultant/Trainer at Girl Scouts USA National Headquarters (NYC); and Assistant Dean, Multicultural Programs, Westchester Community College (NY).  She has worked with a wide variety of organizational missions, including environmental, youth development, health issues, advocacy, racial equity and domestic violence. Jeanne is a newswire contributor for Nonprofit Quarterly and on the Editorial Board for Change Magazine, a publication of NTEN.

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