1/13/21 The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) within Shelter Systems

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Recorded On: 01/13/2021

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The VCPR (Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship) has become an especially important consideration in animal sheltering as we navigate the challenges posed by the current pandemic. In this webinar, we will learn what the VCPR is, why it is important legally and ethically, and how to define it within shelter systems. Case examples will consider specific situations such as telemedicine, transport, and health certificates. The information presented in this webinar will benefit all types of animal welfare organizations (including shelters large and small, rescue, foster-based, transport, temporary); any shelter professional who is involved in medical decision-making (including executive directors, medical directors, foster coordinators); and veterinarians (including full-time shelter veterinarians, contract and relief shelter veterinarians, private practice veterinarians that work with animal welfare organizations).

This session is part of the Shelter Medicine series, a collaboration between the Association of Shelter Veterinarians and The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.

This live and recorded program is:

  • Approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit
  • Approved 1 CE towards ACO CE requirements per Ch. 829 of the Texas Health and Safety Code by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)

Aimee Dalrymple, DVM, MS

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Florida Shelter Medicine Program

Dr. Dalrymple discovered the field of shelter medicine when she began working with a local feline rescue organization in 2006. That organization gifted her with an Association of Shelter Veterinarians membership which opened up a world of opportunity, inspiration and support as she navigated the transition from private practice to shelter practice. Since 2009, Dr. Dalrymple has worked as a contract and relief veterinarian for many shelters and rescue organizations throughout the greater Boston area.  She completed her Master’s degree in Shelter Medicine through the University of Florida in 2018 and now serves as Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor in that online program.  Dr. Dalrymple is also proud to serve on the ASV Board of Directors. 

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