9-12-23 The Roundtable: Help Your Team Thrive

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Is your team fulfilled by their work and engaged in the workplace?  Do you worry they might be looking for opportunities to work elsewhere? 

What a difference thriving team members make to daily operations and your organization's long-term sustainability!

Three leaders will share their successful and cost effective strategies for engaging and supporting their teams. Panelists will discuss what has worked and not worked for employee engagement, offering inspiration and ideas your organization can consider.  Conversation topics will include:

  • Taking care of staff before they become burned out or even think about quitting
  • Measuring and deepening engagement with team members to boost retention
  • Identifying how to adopt and adjust policies that can help your team thrive
  • Learn about the SEEDs* assessment and how it can help you understand what your staff needs to succeed

Shelter Employee Engagement & Development Survey

The Roundtable Panel:

  • Leah Craig, Executive Director, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue
  • Rachel Levine, Director of People Development Dumb Friends League
  • Steven Rogelberg, Professor of Organizational Science, Management, & Psychology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Moderated by Jim Tedford, CAWA, President & CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

This roundtable has been approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit.

Leah Craig Chumbley

Executive Director

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue

Leah Craig Chumbley has worked in the nonprofit sector since 2009, driven by a desire to decrease suffering and increase joy in the world. She is currently the Executive Director of Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, North Carolina, where she is honored to work to better the lives of companion animals and the people who love them.

Rachel Levine

Director of People Development, Dumb Friends League

Rachel Levine is the Director of People Development for the Dumb Friends League and oversees Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion Strategy (DEAI) as well as Succession Planning, Career Pathing, and Leadership Development.  Rachel has worked extensively in Human Resources and Corporate Training in both for profit and

non-profit companies.  Rachel has a B.A. and M.A. from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge.  Rachel serves on the Board of Directors for the Denver Language School, the DEI Council of The Association, and is an advisor for the Customer Experience Program at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado.

Steve G. Rogelberg, PhD

Author and Chancellor’s Professor

University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Steven G. Rogelberg, PhD, is the author of the book The Surprising Science of Meetings: How You Can Lead your Team to Peak Performance, released January 2019 from Oxford University Press. Dr. Rogelberg holds the title of Chancellor’s Professor at University of North Carolina, Charlotte, for distinguished national, international, and interdisciplinary contributions. He is a Professor of Organizational Science, Management, and Psychology at UNC Charlotte, as well as the Director of Organizational Science. Rogelberg has more than 100 publications addressing issues such as team effectiveness, leadership, engagement, and meetings at work. He recently won the very prestigious international Humboldt Award for his research. He founded and currently directs the VPA and SeeDS outreach initiatives, which has served over 1,000 animal welfare organizations. He was the inaugural winner of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Humanitarian Award for this work.

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