MindEdge: Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management

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Our partner, MindEdge, offers this 12-hour certificate, made of 3 courses. These courses have been pre-approved for CAWA CEs and HRCIs. 

Developed in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization's guidance on diversity and inclusion for organizations (ISO 30415:2021), the Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management provides a foundation for creating a workplace where all employees are respected and appreciated as valuable members of the organization, are able to participate in work-related opportunities, can follow career paths that use their skills and knowledge to the fullest, and receive fair compensation. The courses explain how diverse and inclusive workplaces are more productive, innovative, creative, and profitable, and that fostering an inclusive culture produces higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates. The certificate explores the responsibilities of leaders, the workforce, and other stakeholders in recognizing diversity, working and communicating inclusively, reducing unconscious biases, acting accountably, and assessing diversity and inclusion initiatives using qualitative and quantitative methods.

*** For full details and to register, see The Association's MindEdge Catalog here. MindEdge courses are available to all of your staff and volunteers, so share this link to all!

The three courses in this certificate:

Fostering an Inclusive Culture 
To achieve diversity and inclusion, organizations need to create an inclusive culture where all employees are respected and appreciated, have equal access to workplace opportunities, and are fairly compensated. In this course, you will learn about how to create, encourage, and develop an inclusive culture. You will explore the 7 Pillars of Inclusion, traits of an inclusive leader, strategies to assess employee buy-in, professional development opportunities, and workplace accessibility. You will examine how to uproot workplace toxicity and address and prevent harassment and discrimination. The course illustrates the many benefits of an inclusive culture, including higher levels of employee engagement, productivity, employee satisfaction, and retention rates.

Assessing Diversity and Inclusion 
Organizations are accountable for their diversity and inclusion goals. In this course, you will learn about HR metrics, predictive analytics, diversity training, diversity scorecards, and other tools that organizations use to identify biases, track the progress of initiatives, and gauge the effectiveness of policies. This course will explain how to use both soft and hard metrics to formulate, update, and implement diversity and inclusion goals. You will also learn about the importance of employee buy-in, diversity leaders, and C-suite support in achieving a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Hiring and Retaining Diverse Talent
Increasing workplace diversity necessitates strategies that foster more inclusive and equitable workplace practices. In this course, you will learn how leaders who want tangible, measurable results from diversity and inclusion initiatives must take an active role in supporting and implementing these strategies. You will explore how to use talent management systems and performance metrics to create a diverse workplace. This course illustrates that providing equal opportunities for continued engagement, including flexible work arrangements, mentorship programs, and employee benefits, is paramount for an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts to succeed.

Components visible upon registration.