The Roundtable: Supporting Equines Through Adoption & Safety Net Programming

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While many animal welfare organizations have made great advancements for dog and cat adoption and safety net programming, in general, equines have received less attention and resources. The ASPCA has been collecting data and collaborating with shelters and the equine industry with the aim of increasing support and decreasing risk for equines in potential need of sheltering and rehoming. If there are equines at risk in your community, join us for a conversation about elevating equines in the sheltering world. 

Moderated by Jim Tedford, CAWA, CEO & President, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

The Roundtable Guests:

  • Emily Weiss, Ph.D., Vice President of Equine Welfare, ASPCA
  • Matt Levien, Director of Shelter Operations, Animal Rescue League of Iowa
  • Ellen Rawlins, Vice President of Operations, Humane Society of North Texas
  • Lori Redmon, President and CEO, Kentucky Humane Society

Note the special time: Thursday at 5pm Eastern.

This roundtable has been pre-approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit.

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Read the blog about this webinar: Busting Myths, Sharing Tips to Help Horses

Emily Weiss, Ph.D. 

Vice President of Equine Welfare, ASPCA

Emily Weiss, Ph.D., leads the efforts at the ASPCA to achieve the goal that all equines have good welfare. The work aims squarely on increasing the rehoming of horses, the development of effective safety net programming, and a third focus of effective law enforcement response to cruelty and neglect. A nationally recognized speaker, Dr. Weiss has published extensively on topics related to applied animal behavior.  She also served as the ASPCA’s VP of Research & Development, overseeing groundbreaking research related to the animal sheltering field and developing assessment tools for shelter animals.

Matt Levien

Director of Shelter Operations, Animal Rescue League of Iowa

Matt Levien started working animal welfare in Colorado 2005, moving from the zoo field previously.  He started as an animal care technician and is now Director of Shelter Operations for the Animal Rescue League of Iowa where the horse program intake has expanded to help owner surrenders as well as transfers.

Ellen Rawlins

Vice President of Operations, Humane Society of North Texas

Ellen Rawlins has worked in animal welfare for over 12 years; from California to Florida and now in Texas. Ellen has a Bachelor of Arts and a Post Baccalaureate in Nonprofit Management. Ellen is a master of connecting people in the animal welfare field to each other and prides herself in hiring the strongest candidates for the shelter which houses equines, dogs, cats, and small animals. 

Lori Redmon

President and CEO, Kentucky Humane Society

Lori Redmon is President and CEO of the Kentucky Humane Society. She has a B.S. in Zoology from Michigan State University and has 30 years experience in the animal welfare industry.  In addition to leading high volume sheltering agencies, Lori has extensive equine experience and launched the Equine C.A.R.E. program at the Kentucky Humane Society. Redmon is also a past board member of the Kentucky Horse Council where she chaired the equine health and welfare committee. Lori is a past member of the board of directors for The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement. 

Jim Tedford, CAWA

President & CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

Jim Tedford accepted his dream job when he joined The Association as President & CEO in June of 2015.  But Jim is no stranger to the organization.  He has been a member for more than 30 years and served as our Board Chairman some twenty years ago.  Jim has been actively engaged in the animal welfare movement for more than 40 years, having served as CEO for animal sheltering organizations in New York, Louisiana and Tennessee.  He served as a regional director for The Humane Society of the United States and then spent six years providing direct response marketing services to animal welfare organizations. Jim presents frequently at national and regional conferences on various animal welfare issues, organizational development and not-for-profit management. 

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