The Roundtable: Community Relations During A Time of Unrest

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Recorded On: 10/01/2020

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Barriers to community engagement isn’t a new challenge for animal services, but a global pandemic and social unrest bring added burden to these essential employees. Hear from animal services and TNR leaders who are guiding their cities through a difficult climate: Atlanta, Dallas, Greensboro (NC), and Los Angeles.

This exclusive roundtable conversation will explore the challenges animal support service professionals are currently facing with a special emphasis on BIPOC officers and staff. Learn from their experience so you can engage your community in conversations of equity and justice and provide support with kindness and fairness.  Questions from the audience will follow the roundtable discussion. 

The Roundtable Moderators:
• Jim Tedford, President and CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement 
• Gabrielle Chapman, Senior Analyst, Social Justice, Pets for Life, The Humane Society of the United States

The Roundtable Guests:
• Allison Cardona – Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, CA
• Ed Jamison – Director, Animal Services, Dallas, Texas
• Jorge Ortega – Director, Guilford County Animal Services, NC
• BONUS Guest: Sterling "TrapKing" Davis, TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions, Atlanta, GA

This roundtable has been pre-approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit.  Please note that this session is NOT approved for Texas DSHS CEs.

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​Allison Cardona

Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, CA

Allison Cardona has been a Deputy Director of South County Operations for the Department since March 2017. As Deputy Director of South County, Allison oversees the Carson/Gardena, Downey and Baldwin Park Animal Care Centers along with special programs such as behavior and enrichment. Prior to joining the County of Los Angeles, Allison spent over 13 years as a program director for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). She holds a B.S. in Public Affairs from Empire State College. Allison is dedicated to keeping pets and people forever together, removing barriers so pet owners have access to care and services. Allison serves as the department’s liaison to the County of Los Angeles Homeless Initiative, helping to integrate pet-friendly services into service planning and delivery. 

Sterling Davis

Founder, TrapKing Humane Cat Solutions

Sterling “TrapKing” Davis is a well traveled, ex-military, music and cat enthusiast that has always loved entertaining and interacting with people. Becoming vegetarian after visiting a slaughterhouse at 12 years old, the love and respect for animals has always been there but the relationship with cats grew to be more special. I was always the only guy that either had or wanted another cat growing up. Shelter work was new for me. I started cleaning litter boxes and learning more about cats until I was eventually promoted to a TNR/Outreach position where I was able to really add to my love and knowledge of cats. In Dekalb, Georgia, I would work for over 3 years educating, assisting, and doing outreach for TNR and community cat management. A career working with cats? Why would I ever do anything else?

Ed Jamison


Dallas Animal Services, City of Dallas

Dallas has the third largest intake in the United States, with over 39,000 dogs and cats coming into their care in 2019. Ed Jamison has been tasked with increasing public safety by getting loose animals off the streets, while at the same time increasing positive outcomes. To accomplish that, Jamison is leading a staff of around 220 employees, maximizing relationships with the rescue community, rebuilding the volunteer base and instituting new, progressive programming. Prior to coming to Dallas, Jamison was the Chief Animal Control Officer for the City of Cleveland, Ohio, but he entered the animal care and control world in the mid-2000s while he was the animal warden for the City of Garfield Heights, a suburb of Cleveland. In his time serving Cleveland, Ed made a push to redefine the way animal control functions and re-brand the public’s perception of the industry, along with the perception of pit-bull-type dogs. Ed serves on the board of The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement.

Jorge Ortega

Director, Guilford County Animal Services, North Carolina

Jorge Ortega iscurrently the Animal Services Director for the Guilford County Animal Servicesin Greensboro, NC. Most recently he held the position of Senior Director ofOperations where he was responsible for overseeing the daily operations of theASPCA’s Adoption Center, Kitten Nursery and Canine Annex Rehabilitation &Enrichment Center located in New York City.

Jorge has alsoserved as Vice President of Operations for two progressive animal welfareorganizations, the Houston SPCA and the Humane Society of Charlotte. He beganhis career at the Houston SPCA where he held many positions. As VP ofOperations he was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the shelter. Atthe Humane Society of Charlotte he provided leadership and support to theshelter, 2 high-volume spay/neuter clinics and one remote animal adoptioncenter. He worked to build strategic partnerships and community programs thathelped decrease animal intake. Jorge played an active role in the CharlotteASPCA Community Partnership in an effort to save more at-risk and homeless petsthrough collaboration between the Humane Society of Charlotte andCharlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Care & Control.

Jorge alsoworked for a national animal welfare organization where he served as theManager of Disaster Services and worked closely with emergency managementofficials across the country. He also held the position of Regional Director ofShelter Outreach for Pethealth, Inc. where he was responsible for maintainingrelationships with animal welfare organizations in Texas, Louisiana andMississippi with supporting them with animal management and care programs.

Gabrielle Chapman

Senior Social Justice Analyst, The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)

Gabrielle Chapman is the former Executive Director of Call to Action for Racial Equality, West Virginia’s first professional statewide racial equity coalition. As HSUS’ Pets for Life Senior Analyst Social Justice, Gabrielle will lend her skill set to facilitate complex conversations ranging from criminal justice reform to racial and economic justice in the animal welfare world. She is a 2018–2019 Soros Justice Fellow with the Open Society Foundation and serves as a Board of Director for West Virginia’s Center on Budget and Policy and West Virginia Women's Health Center. Chapman holds a BS in Applied Biology from Russell Sage College. During her college years, she interned at the U.S. Department of Defense, was an assistant with Sage College’s Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, and volunteered with the American Friends Service Committee.

Jim Tedford, CAWA

President & CEO, The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement

Jim Tedford accepted his dream job when he joined The Association as President & CEO in June of 2015.  But Jim is no stranger to the organization.  He has been a member for more than 30 years and served as our Board Chairman some twenty years ago.  Jim has been actively engaged in the animal welfare movement for more than 40 years, having served as CEO for animal sheltering organizations in New York, Louisiana and Tennessee.  He served as a regional director for The Humane Society of the United States and then spent six years providing direct response marketing services to animal welfare organizations. Jim presents frequently at national and regional conferences on various animal welfare issues, organizational development and not-for-profit management. 


The Roundtable: Community Relations During A Time of Unrest
10/01/2020 at 5:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/01/2020
10/01/2020 at 5:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 10/01/2020