The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement Learning Center
10/16/19 Updated Animal Transportation Best Practices
4.5 (6 votes)
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Animal relocation is an important tool in decreasing shelter crowding and saving more lives. In order to ensure safety, efficacy, and sustainability of relocation programs, consideration must be given to understanding state and local regulations. Animals selected for relocation should be carefully screened for physical and behavioral health, and programs should monitor and address stakeholder concerns proactively. This session will provide a broad overview of the role of animal relocation programs and discuss the indications for various program models, including key considerations to help decide if relocation is right for your agency and address general requirements for source and destination organizations. Recommendations will be presented in light of the updated Best Practices, a living document, designed to expand over time as community and animal needs adapt to societal changes and advancing knowledge of animal welfare.
This is the first in a new 4-part updated Best Practices Webinar Series: Companion Animal Transport (2019), based on the recently revised Best Practices document.
Approved for 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit and 1 CE by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for Texas Animal Control Officers

Brad Shear, CAWA
Executive Director, Potter League for Animals
Brad Shear is the Chief Executive Officer of the Potter League for Animals in Rhode Island, and is one of three Certified Animal Welfare Administrators (CAWA) in the state. During his tenure, Brad has expanded existing programs and created new partnerships, including acquiring the state's largest spay and neuter clinic and the state's largest full-service non-profit veterinary clinic. In addition to his work at the Potter League, Brad has served as board chair of The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement, chaired their Best Practices and Emerging Trends Committee, and serves on their Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee. He also serves on the Hill's Pet Nutrition Shelter Advisory Council and the New England Federation of Humane Societies' advisory committee.

Karen Walsh, CAWA, LVMT, CFE
Senior Director, Animal Relocation, ASPCA
Karen S. Walsh, CAWA, LVMT, CFE, is the Senior Director of Animal Relocation for the ASPCA and the former executive director of the McKamey Animal Center in Chattanooga, TN. She graduated from Blue Ridge in Virginia with a degree in veterinary technology and has achieved designations as a Certified Animal Welfare Administrator and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator. Karen has held leadership positions in both veterinary and animal welfare organizations and was appointed to serve on the Tennessee state Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
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