06/24/20 De-escalation: Dealing with Difficult People

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People are difficult for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are universal and apply to all people (like the responses of those who feel threatened or injured – remember: hurt people hurt other people).  Some reasons are particular to a group of people, like those who externalize the causes of their misfortune onto others, or people who have a mental illness like paranoia.  Some reasons for being difficult are particular to a person, like an individual who has a difficult personality style. 

This webinar will consider skills that can be used daily to de-escalate those who are escalating or at risk of escalating. We will consider ways to preemptively recognize, manage, and resolve conflictual encounters. We will discuss:

  • Self-assessments to identify the personal triggers that can pull us into the escalation cycle
  • Skills to recognize and assess impending conflict
  • How to implement strategies to transform conflicts into reasonably manageable social encounters 

This program (both live and recorded) has been approved for:

  • 1 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credit
  • 1 CE  by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for Texas Animal Control Officers

This session is part five of the five-part Going Through Hell? Keep Going! webinar series.

Byron Greenberg, Ph.D., MPH, LCP

Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Diplomate in Police Psychology, SPCP; Police and Emergency Services Psychologist

Dr. Byron Greenberg is a licensed clinical psychologist who holds graduate degrees from Loma Linda University and Johns Hopkins University.  His focus as a clinician has been in the area of high stress professionals such as law enforcement and other first responders, nurses, and teachers.  He therefore works with people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, addictions, crisis, and adjustment to trauma.  His approach is a blend of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy. He is focused on the personal experience of his clients, the way they interpret those experiences and how those interpretations effect their relationships with others and themselves. Dr. Greenberg has been licensed in the Commonwealth as a psychologist since January of 2001. He is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Virginia State University.

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