The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement Learning Center
GrantStation Series: Grantseeking & Proposal Writing Strategies
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- Animal Welfare Professional Member - Free!
- Student Member - Free!
- Industry Partner Member - $50
- Learning Member - $20
- Industry Partner - Non-Member - $75
GrantStation's 10-part training series builds the capacity of nonprofits to achieve their missions by providing practical information about specialized topics around grantseeking and proposal writing strategies. The recorded sessions are led by GrantStation's President, Alice Ruhnke. They are designed in an easy-to-digest format with beginners in mind. Each session includes 30+ minutes of practical content. Each session is approved for .75 CAWA CEs.
Recordings available:
- Funding Trends: How to Maximize Your Efforts
- How to Secure Matching Funds
- How to Partner with Local Governments
- Navigating Corporate Support
- Read Between the Lines: How to Read a Request for Proposals
- Build Credibility in Your Background Section
- Writing a Compelling Statement of Need
- Crafting Process and Outcome Evaluations
- Building an Approach that Gets Noticed
- Developing Project Budgets that Make Sense
Tuition for the entire package:
- $0 Animal Welfare Professional Members
- $20 Learning Members
- $50 Industry Professional Members
- $75 Industry Partner Non-Members
Our partner GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 04/03/2023
Explore the larger trends in grantmaking which can make your proposals more successful.
The Association's partner GrantStation highlights important trends which are relevant to your grantseeking in 2023. Explore the larger trends in grantmaking which can make your proposals more successful. These trends center around building movements, developing leaders, shifting cultures, creating an inclusive economy, and defending democracy.
Integrating current philanthropic trends into your proposals can make them more competitive. But in order to take advantage of the current interests of grantmakers, you must keep up with what is happening in the world of philanthropy, which unfortunately can be very time consuming. During this webinar, Alice Ruhnke will highlight important trends which are relevant to your grantseeking in 2023. She’ll explore the larger trends in grantmaking which can make your proposals more successful. These trends center around building movements, developing leaders, shifting cultures, creating an inclusive economy, and defending democracy. You’ll learn about:
- important philanthropic trends and how they are changing or remaining the same;
- the key areas funders are focusing on in 2023; and,
- how you can utilize these trends to enhance your grantseeking.
You’ll walk away ready to incorporate new funding trends into your programs and grant requests.
TargetED webinars are designed with beginners in mind. This session includes 30 minutes of practical teaching and 15 minutes of Q&A with Alice. It is ideal for executive directors, development staff, and grant professionals—especially those that are new to the nonprofit community.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 43-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 05/01/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will help you understand the definition of matching funds, identify ways to secure matches from cash or in-kind sources, and find ways to demonstrate matching funds in your budget and budget narratives.
It’s always a good idea to have matching funds for your projects or programs—even if a funder doesn’t require it. When you include matching funds, it demonstrates to funders that they are not the only one with “skin in the game.” It shows you already have support from other stakeholders. Fortunately, with the right documentation all nonprofit organizations should be able to identify in-kind support.
During this TargetED, Alice Ruhnke will show you how to secure matching funds to increase your success in securing grant awards. This session will help you:
- understand the definition of matching funds;
- identify ways to secure matches from cash or in-kind sources; and,
- find ways to demonstrate matching funds in your budget and budget narratives.
You’ll walk away ready to build credibility with funders by demonstrating the diverse support your programs have in your community.
TargetEDs are designed with beginners in mind. This session includes 30 minutes of practical teaching and 15 minutes of Q&A with Alice. It’s perfect for executive directors, development personnel, bookkeepers, and grant professionals.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 49-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 06/05/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will show you the steps and resources you need to create impactful relationships with local governments in order to grow your organization.
Working collaboratively with local and state governments could be a win-win situation for your organization. Now is arguably one of the best times to develop these relationships because local governments often take responsibility for the burdensome federal financial reporting and audit requirements, which means you can focus your efforts on the ground to help those most in need. However, partnering with any level of government can feel intimidating to nonprofit organizations, especially those without much experience.
During this TargetED, GrantStation’s President, Alice Ruhnke, and Jennifer Piercy, the Economic Development Director in Senator Shelly Moore Capito’s office, will show you the steps and resources you need to create these impactful relationships and grow your organization!
This TargetED will cover:
- the steps you need to take to partner with local and state governments;
- how to use your organization’s deep knowledge of community needs, reach, and existing relationships;
- “real world” examples of successful partnerships; and,
- recommendations for putting theory into action.
You’ll walk away with an understanding of how to position your organization to maximize public benefits.
TargetEDs are designed with beginners in mind. This session is perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to create relationships with local and state governments.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenters: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation and Jennifer Piercy, Economic Development Director, Senator Shelley Moore Capito’s office
This 58-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Jennifer Piercy
Director of Economic Development, Senator Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
Jennifer Piercy, a native of Elkview, West Virginia, formerly served as the Executive Director of the County Commissioner’s Association of West Virginia (CCAWV) and brings a wide range of experience to the senator’s office. Prior to this role, Piercy served as the Communications Director for CCAWV, and was formerly the Grants Management Specialist for the West Virginia Division of Tourism and also served as the Development Director for the Tri-County YMCA prior to that. Piercy earned her bachelor’s and two master’s degrees from Marshall University.
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 06/19/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will share the different models of corporate giving, explain how each model could benefit your organization, and the best ways to pre-position your organization to be successful when asking for and obtaining support.
Corporate support for philanthropic activities has been increasing over the last decade. But corporations all give in different ways. Some have corporate foundations while others provide sponsorships, matching funds, or volunteer time. This diversity makes it difficult to determine the best way to strategically position yourself to be competitive for corporate support.
During this TargetED, Alice Ruhnke will share strategies you can use to add corporate donations to your organization’s funding portfolio. You’ll learn:
- the different models of corporate giving;
- how each model could benefit your organization; and,
- the best ways to pre-position your organization to be successful when asking for and obtaining support.
You’ll walk away with an understanding of the driving forces behind corporate giving strategies so you can develop approaches to attract support from diverse businesses.
TargetEDs are designed with beginners in mind. This session contains 30 minutes of practical teaching and 15 minutes of Q&A with Alice. It is perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization which has yet to explore corporate support.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 51-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 07/17/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will explain how to read an RFP and set up your responses to meet each grantmaker’s instructions.
While each funder’s application guidelines will look different from those of other funders, usually they are not that different. Most funders ask for essentially the same things in their guidelines, also commonly called a request for proposals (RFP), a funding opportunity announcement (FOA), or a request for applications (RFA). The key to success is understanding exactly what funders are looking for and knowing how to tailor information to each specific funder’s format so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each application.During this session, Alice Ruhnke will outline how to read an RFP and set up your responses to meet each grantmaker’s instructions. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. You’ll learn:
- important information addressed in a typical RFP;
- strategies to set up an effective proposal writing schedule;
- different terminology that is actually synonymous; and,
- how funders use the RFP to make funding decisions.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 53-minute recording has been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 07/31/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will prepare you to write a background section of a grant proposal that immediately builds trust in your organization and sets the stage for the rest of your proposal.
First impressions matter.
That is why the background section of your grant proposal needs to immediately establish your organization’s credibility with a funder—but that's not always so straightforward.
You shouldn’t overwhelm your background section with an extensive history. However, you want to let the reviewer know that you have a proven track record of creating positive change in your community. You want to show the depth and breadth of your programs and initiatives, but be strategic in telling your story.
During this session, Alice Ruhnke will demonstrate how you can find the perfect balance and use your background section to quickly show you’re an organization that gets things done. You’ll learn:- the key elements you should include in your background section;
- ways to infuse your strengths;
- how to create a background profile of your organization that can *be used and reused by anyone in your organization; and,
- how a background template can strengthen your organization’s overall branding.
You’ll walk away ready to write a background section that immediately builds trust in your organization and sets the stage for the rest of your proposal.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 44-minute webinar recording has been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 08/14/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will show you how to write a data-driven needs statement that is aligned with your program and the funder’s priorities.
Funders want to address real problems in their giving areas, which means your proposal must demonstrate why your program is necessary and important to your community. However, too many proposals present a need that is vague, not supported by data, or misaligned with other sections of a grant application. Any of these issues make it easy for reviewers to overlook your proposal.
During this webinar, Alice Ruhnke will show you how to craft a compelling statement of need that highlights the importance of your project in your community. In this session you’ll learn:
- the fundamentals of developing a need section;
- which data sources can help tell your story;
- the two major components of a need section and how to connect them to each other and the rest of your application;
- best practices in describing your community and target population;
- ways to identify, discuss, and address the root causes of the problems; and,
- how to navigate confusing grant-related terminology.
You’ll leave ready to write a data-driven needs statement that is aligned with your program and the funder’s priorities.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 45-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Recorded On: 08/28/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will teach you how to craft a proposal that clearly shows the difference your program will make in the lives of those you serve.
When writing your proposals, do you clearly demonstrate the impact of your work?
Providing the number of classes held or participants served is useful information, but it isn’t enough to satisfy most funders because funders want to know… "So what?"
What difference will your program make? How will it change people's lives? And how will you measure those changes?
During this webinar, Alice Ruhnke will show you how to use outcomes and indicators so you can answer a funder’s “So what?” question confidently. You’ll learn:
- what outcomes are and why they are an important piece of your proposal;
- how to actually measure your outcomes using indicators;
- how to create a process evaluation;
- pros and cons of different measurement tools; and,
- how you can establish an evaluation process.
You’ll leave ready to craft a proposal that clearly shows the difference your program will make in the lives of those you serve.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 46-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 09/11/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will show you how to communicate an approach that is clearly aligned with the rest of your grant proposal and the funder’s desires.
The approach section in your grant proposals must be clear, specific, and realistic. It should also be aligned with the needs you previously identified, your proposed outcomes, your budget, and the funder’s requirements. With so many factors to consider, it's easy to make mistakes and write an approach that has insufficient detail or is misaligned with other portions of your proposal.
During this webinar, Alice Ruhnke will show you how to build an approach that inspires confidence in your program and shows it is well-planned, feasible, and builds on community assets. You’ll learn:
- what an approach section is and how it relates to the rest of your application;
- common components of an approach section and how to write them;
- an explanation of best practices and how they can strengthen your approach;
- how to write an approach that will mirror your budget; and,
- best practices in developing partnerships—a critical component of grant success.
You’ll walk away ready to communicate an approach that is clearly aligned with the rest of your proposal and the funder’s desires.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 44-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for .75 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
Product not yet rated Recorded On: 09/25/2023
The Association's partner GrantStation will show you how you can develop a project budget that makes sense: one that justifies all of your proposed costs and demonstrates you’ll be an effective steward of the grantmaker’s funds.
The budget section of your grant proposals can present some unique challenges. Project budgets must be accurate, complete, and transparent. This can be challenging when the proposed project involves different activities, personnel, or resources. Even small errors and omissions in your budget or budget narrative can undermine the credibility of the proposal and reduce the chances of funding. Beyond that, you must demonstrate you can truly achieve project goals while keeping costs reasonable.
During this webinar, Alice Ruhnke will show you how you can develop a project budget that makes sense: one that justifies all of your proposed costs and demonstrates you’ll be an effective steward of the grantmaker’s funds. You’ll learn:
- how to create a program budget that covers all relevant costs;
- how to write an approach and budget that mirror one another;
- ways to identify matching funds; and,
- ideas for sustainability.
You’ll walk away ready to present a clear and persuasive budget that aligns with the rest of your proposal.
Part of the GrantStation Webinar Recording Series: Grants and Partnerships which is designed with beginners in mind. It’s perfect for any member of a nonprofit organization seeking to strengthen their proposal writing skills. Save $! If you're a Learning Member, purchase the package for only $20 instead of paying $5 for individual sessions.
Presenter: Alice Ruhnke, President, GrantStation
This 57-minute webinar and recording have been pre-approved for 1.0 Certified Animal Welfare Administrator continuing education credits.
GrantStation provides tools and training to find new grant sources, build a strong grantseeking program, and write winning successful proposals to fund your organization’s mission.
** Members of The Association, subscribe to GrantStation at a 90% discount, then enjoy access to MORE webinars about grant topics. **
Alice Ruhnke
Alice Ruhnke is the President of GrantStation. Having raised over $45 million from federal, state, and private grantmakers, she knows what it takes to get funded. As a former nonprofit program coordinator and director, and the Founder of The Grant Advantage, Alice has a deep understanding of the challenges that nonprofits face. Over the last 20 years she's worked in the trenches with hundreds of nonprofit organizations to improve their capacity to raise funds. Alice is an author and educator with a passion to share her expertise. Her insightful trainings on grant proposal writing and development, community change models, service projects, and measuring outcomes have helped over 4,000 individuals positively impact their communities.
Reach GrantStation at
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Product not yet rated Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 03/24/2025 at 3:00 PM (EDT)
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Product not yet rated Includes a Live Web Event on 04/22/2025 at 3:00 PM (EDT)
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Product not yet rated Includes a Live Web Event on 05/14/2025 at 3:00 PM (EDT)
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